
#100DaysToOffload is a challenge where the goal is to post one hundred blog posts on your personal blog within a year! Follow along via the mastodon tag (That link is for mastodon.snld.ca - make an account if you want)!

Year One

Starting April 9, 2024, this is Year One...

Yes, I am manually adding these for the time being. Maybe something to change in the future
Post Number Date Title
9 July 3, 2024 Project: Office Shed
8 June 22, 2024 Bye Bye Bunnyman, My First eBay Sale!
7 June 1, 2024 The Closet: Not a Horror Movie
6 May 30, 2024 The First Acre is the Hardest
5 May 7, 2024 Flipping Leaf Tickets for Additional Income; or not?
4 April 26, 2024 My First Inventory Score
3 April 22, 2024 So, I started a Business!
2 April 11, 2024 Revisiting a Vacationing Mind
1 April 9, 2024 A Year of Links; An Awful Way to Store Them!...?