Recent Posts
2024-08-05 The Traveling Tech Stack
2024-07-03 Project: Office Shed
2024-06-22 Bye Bye Bunnyman, My First eBay Sale!
2024-06-01 The Closet: Not a Horror Movie
2024-05-30 The First Acre is the Hardest
2024-08-05 The Traveling Tech Stack
2024-07-03 Project: Office Shed
2024-06-22 Bye Bye Bunnyman, My First eBay Sale!
2024-06-01 The Closet: Not a Horror Movie
2024-05-30 The First Acre is the Hardest
Blog - The log of my thoughts and adventures.
UNESCO Tracker - The log of UNESCO World Heritage Site visits.
Watches - The log of my assembled, custom watches.
šæ Cultivating Intentions šæ Seanland Watches - My personal brand of watches.
š Seeds of Creation š Seanland Trading Post - Buy and Sell Goods.
Self Hosting and Federated Services:,,,,,, publicly and plenty more privately!
Development: Between GitHub and GitLab, I have a number of open source projects, such as: docker-one-container-radio, snyk-vuln-hunter and build-a-blog to name a few.
Writing: This is where the blog comes in. I have always wanted to write a book; maybe something in the future?
Homebrewing: I make beer and mead. I would like to make wine from grapes. I am also going to build out a bar and keezer as a larger part of this project.
Watchmaking: Between making two DIY Watch Club kits and parting out my first watch, I am officially hooked on this...
Business: I have always found the monetizing of product very interesting. I want to sell my custom watches, start a trading post and write about other ventures in finance.
Self Sufficiency: Becoming more independent growing produce; pushing the envelope using technology šš¼. Learning about alternative building styles.
Travel: Any excuse to go somewhere. If I have the opportunity to visit all the UNESCO World Heritage sites, I feel I will have truely seen the world.
Technology and Gaming: The vast space linking everything together, technology... (and gaming); laser etching, Jackery boxes, solar power and handheld gaming PCs?!
At the end of the day, you should expect to see content - from me - on all the topics listed above. The site will be constantly updated as I do new things, but, essentially, this is me. These are the projects I work on.